Noun: A noun is the name of a person, place or a thing. Nouns may be divided into several classes. One among them is very important, i.e., the proper noun. The proper noun is the name of person, place or a thing. They must be capitalized when we write.
Nouns can be categorized in the following way: -
1. Proper noun: Proper nouns are names for particular people, places or things. They always begin with a capital letter.
E.g., Karen (person), Ganga (river), India (country), Himalayas (mountain range), Taj Mahal (a monument)
2. Common noun: Nouns are divided into common nouns and proper nouns. Common nouns are words for people, animals, places, or things.
E.g., artist, clown, doctor, aunt, uncle, baby, peacock, eagle, lion, bird, beach, library, mall, park, island, zoo, noodles, violin, door, kart
Common nouns can be divided into countable and uncountable nouns.
Countable nouns are those which can be used in the plural.
E.g., stars, benches, elephants, burgers, oranges, boxes etc.
Uncountable nouns are those which cannot be used in the plural.
E.g., milk, sugar, salt, meat, cheese, tea, honey, flour, rice, bread, information, knowledge, ice, grass, water, advice, clothing, time, grief, patience, wisdom, peace, smoke, iron etc.
3. Material noun: Material Noun are names of materials or substances out of which things are made.
E.g., gold, iron, silver, salt, water, sand, flour, cotton, coffee, rubber, food, protein, egg, leather, silk, wine, cheese, honey, butter, gelatin, medicine, cement, cloth
4. Collective noun: Collective nouns are words for groups of people, animals or things. These are nouns for groups of people.
E.g., team, government, federation, class, flock, bunch, jury
5. Abstract noun: An abstract noun is the name of a quality, action or state. Abstract noun is the name of something which we experience as an idea, not by using one of the five senses (i.e., taste, touch, sight, hearing, smelling).
- Quality - kindness, cleverness, height, humility, color, darkness, brightness, softness, honesty, wisdom, bravery, courage, obedience, generosity, beauty, ugliness, intelligence etc.
- Action - laughter, judgement, flight, hatred, love, choice, revenge, theft, movement etc.
- State - chaos, order, death, sleep, displeasure, sorrow, fear, childhood, girlhood, manhood, youth etc.
In English, there are 3 gender forms. They are:
1. Masculine Noun: Masculine nouns are used when referring to boys, men and male animals.
There are two ways to get masculine form in English.
Use of Independent words: Words like Father, Brother, Nephew, Grandfather, Uncle, Father-in-law etc.
Use of pronoun ‘He’: The use of pronoun ‘He’ denotes masculine form in English.
2. Feminine Noun: Feminine nouns are used when referring to girls, women and female animals.
These are three ways to get feminine form in English.
Use of Independent words: Words like Mother, Sister, Niece, Grandmother, Aunt, Mother-in-law etc.
Use the pronoun ‘She’: The use pronoun ‘she’ denotes feminine form in English. E.g., She is an active person.
Adding –ess to the Masculine form: We can get feminine form by adding –ess at the end of some masculine nouns.
Steward + ess = Stewardess
Waiter + ess = Waitress
God + ess = Goddess
Lion + ess = Lioness
Actor + ess = Actress
Prince + ess = Princess
3. Neuter Nouns: Words for things that are neither male nor female are called neuter nouns.
It includes Animals, Birds, Insects and all non-living things.
· The word ‘it’ is used when you are not emotionally attached to a living thing.
E.g., It is a dog.
· If you are emotionally attached to a living thing then ‘He’ or ‘She’ can be used.
E.g., She is my dog.
In English, categorization of Nouns happens at two levels:
1. Singular – A singular noun talks about one person, animal, place, or thing.
2. Plural – A plural noun talks about two or more people, animals, places, or things. Most nouns are made plural by adding -s at the end.